Temperatura del bulbo húmedo   

Temperatura del bulbo húmedo

Imagine a closed, adiabatic system with water and unsaturated air at the same temperature. After a while an equilibrium will be reached with uniform temperature and saturated air. The energy of evaporation has been delivered by the air and the water. Both cooled down. This effect is used in wet cooling towers.

The less energy is drawn from the water, the more energy air delivers to evaporate the steam. In the maximum case the air delivers all the energy needed to evaporate the water needed for saturation. The corresponding temperature is called wet bulb temperature. Once the temperature and the relative humidity of an air stream are known the wet bulb temperature can be calculated. The wet bulb temperature is a benchmark for wet cooling towers.

Teoría Temperatura del bulbo húmedo

C. Meyer
wet bulb temperatur
C. Meyer

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